Sunday, 28 February 2010

Delhi we have landed!

Overnight we did around 750miles, had several lovely meals, breakfast and all for £45 each, imagine trying to get from London to Glasgow for that much, it couldn't be done.

Our arrival in Delhi was the shock the guide books had warned us about, the New Delhi Station is pretty grim, even before we got off the train, people were offering to take our bags and then the offers of taxis came flooding, no, no, we decided to stick to our guns and battled through to the pre-paid autos, at 30rupees it was a bargin.

So far this trip there's been lots of waiting, seems to just be how it is out here, getting our hockey tickets was no difference, an hours wait for them to open and then we needed a photocopy of our passports, luckily a nice army guy also had the same problem and so off we went and finally we had our hockey tickets...well all except the final, got to go back for those in a weeks time....and if anyone is looking forward to some photos of the games later I'm afriad there won't be any, no cameras, mobiles or beer in the stadium at all....your just have to beleive me that I was there really:)

Just a few hours now till the first game and a little longer till the big one: India vs Pakistan


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Delhi...the city of ruins.... Hope you have a great time here...

Ashish Kaushik said...

Hw was your experience??

Juls Barnes said...

Hi Ashish,

Its been great so far thanks, quite tiring and a long day yesterday, check out the new post for more details:)
